Monday, May 13, 2013

Better Late Than Never - Evan's 6 (and 7) month updates

Justin and I finally got our laptop fixed (woo-hoo) so now it doesn't take me 20 minutes to open a web browser.  I am hoping that this will make me more likely to blog...we'll see :)

6 Month Stats:
Weight: 16 lbs 1 oz (25-50%)
Height: 27 inches (50-75%)
Head Circumference: 16.5 inches (10-25%)

Evan is already 7 months old!  His personality is really starting to show.  He is still very affectionate and loves attention, particularly from his big sister.  Although he loves his jumper and likes his bouncy seat, he would still prefer to be held above all else.

Evan's hand/eye coordination is getting much better.  He can consistently put things in his mouth, and even exchange things between hands.  He is also reaching for things, and people, much more consistently.  Although he still prefers to stand, Evan is starting to take an interest in the sitting position, and will sit independently for sometimes minutes at a time, but he is still very likely to fling himself forwards, backwards, or sideways, so he definitely needs someone very close by.

Evan started his voyage to eating solid foods after Madelyn's birthday party on March 30, and he was an instant fan.  We have not yet found anything he flat out refuses to eat, although green vegetables do take more coaxing.  He has had cereal, bananas, peaches, apples, pears, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, and prunes.  He is very enthusiastic any time he can have solid foods :)
first cereal

Faster Mommy!
Another first - after what has seemed like forever, one of Evan's bottom front teeth has finally broken through this week.  Maybe sleep filled nights are in his future?

On the sleeping front, things have not been going all that well still, although I am hoping that the current trend towards sleeping longer stretches is going to continue.  Evan is still up several times at night, and usually wants to eat although can sometimes be pacified back to sleep without being fed.

Evan pretty much constantly makes noise of some kind or another, and usually at a high volume.  When he is sleeping the house seems very quiet, which is saying something since there is still usually an awake 3 year old making noise.

Evan has brought a lot of joy to our lives (if not a lot of sleep) and we are looking forward to seeing what the next weeks and months hold for us!

1 comment:

Elise said...

He is so sweet and cute and adorable and kissable! (Glad you got your computer fixed!)