Friday, October 12, 2012

One Week Old!

Today Evan is a week old.  In some ways it's hard to believe it has only been a week, and in others it seems like we were just at the hospital.   We had our post-hospital check-up today and here are Evan's stats:
Weight: 7lbs 7 oz (25th percentile)
Height: 20.5 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 13.5 inches (25th percentile)

Evan has gained back his birth weight plus an ounce, so he is ahead of the game :)  This means that we don't have to bring him back to the doctor again until his 2 month check up unless something is concerning us.

When Madelyn was born, we started the tradition of taking pictures of her as she grew with a stuffed animal.  It has been fun to look back and see how much she grew and changed so we are continuing the tradition with Evan.

Evan is a sleepier baby than Madelyn was, so we have not had as many pictures of him awake.  However, here are a few highlights from the last week.

Visitors at the hospital:
Madelyn was both happy to meet Evan and happy to see that after the distressing morning, Mommy really was ok.

Mommom made it!

Matt with a contented Evan :)

My cousin Zoe

My cousin Nathan
A couple of pictures of Evan (notice the contentment during daylight hours...):

 Getting Ready to head home!

Home :)

First Bath:


Anonymous said...

Gah! So precious! Congrats again darling!

Elise said...

Great pics!

I remember that Lydia was always so much more sleepy and content during the day, so we started letting her sleep with the lamp and radio on in her room, it did seem to help her sleep at night too, although I found it annoying because I'd be wide awake after feeding her in a bright/loud room at 3am.